Rise of the Wave Check

The Rise of The Wave Check
A tricked-out car is usually taken to a race track to be examined if it is hot or not. Before being dubbed a real monster of a car, the cars are usually lined up in a parking lot with the hood up. At this point, other racers, car lovers, spectators and journalists move around from car to car checking what kind of engines and other performance parts have been added to these cars. The engine check is really what convinces people that your car is really worthy. The wave check is something very similar to this.

The wave check has become a major trend. This can be ascribed to the great work that many wavers have been doing to educate others on how to get and care for waves. This can be seen in the work of Wave Man Mike, 360Jeezy and Hurricane Henry. As mentioned earlier, the wave check can be an individual or a group check. A hilarious example of the individual wave check can be seen in SprizzyTv’s YouTube video titled ‘Wave Check | High School Edition | Who Really Spinning?’ In this video, you will see the person handling the camera going from person to person, checking if they really have waves.
Group wave checks are pretty exciting. A great example of a group wave check is the 360WavesProcess’ video on YouTube titled Super Lit Wave Check in New York City 🔥🌊 Only Deep 360 Waves! In this video, you will see the host, who himself is a waver, in the middle of a group of people wearing durags. It is assumed that all of these people have waves beneath their durags, but it is the wave check that will truly determine if they are dipping or flopping.

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