How To Clean Your Wave Brush

How To Clean Your Wave Brush.
Snatched Flames
How to Clean Your Wave Brush
One of the most critical tools in your effort to achieve or maintain waves is your hairbrush. Assuming that you have invested in a high-quality hairbrush that can capably train your waves, it makes sense to take the diligent time to clean it on a regular basis. This article will give you 7 simple steps to follow to keep your brush clean and looking brand new.
Why should you clean your hairbrush regularly? A hairbrush can trap residue in its bristles from brushing your hair or from simply laying around. After frequent use, leave-in hair products, gels and other chemicals can build up in your hairbrush and stick to brush’s bristles. Along with this, the dead skin from your scalp gets on to your brush when you use it. This is then transferred back to your hair when you use it again.
Particles from the environment like dust, soot and all sorts of grime will settle on your brush and build up over time if you do not frequently clean it. When you set your brush down after use, the oils or sticky hair product from your hair is left on it.
This increases the chances of elements from the environment to settle on your brush. If you do not clean your brush regularly, a large amount of residue will be in your brush when you want to use it. This will reduce the effectiveness of your brush in training your waves. It is also not hygienic because you may be introducing unfavorable elements to your hair each time you use a brush that is in dire need of a wash.
Steps to Wash Your Wave Brush Fill your bathroom sink or a small bucket with water and add soap. You can use regular hand soap, dishwashing liquid, or shampoo. Place your brush or all the brushes you will be cleaning into the soapy water. Do not leave the brushes for too long in this water as it can damage your brush. Prolonged soaking of your wave brush can also damage its wooden parts. Rub bristles with your hand to get the soap in between bristles to ensure a thorough clean Run your fingers or an appropriately sized hair comb through the brush’s bristles.
This will help the soap to remove residue and build up. You will also remove excess hair by doing this. Rinse your hairbrush with cold water. Pat your wave brush dry with a towel to speed up the drying process. Then leave your brush to dry entirely.
Pro Tip: Apply Luster’s pink glosser spray to your brush to help keep the bristles firm on your brush after they dry.
Here is a list of some great brushes that you can use to train your waves:
Torino Pro Wave Brushes by Brush king #77
Kent MS23 Finest Men's Rectangular 100% Natural Satinwood & Beechwood Military Hair Brush
Royalty by Brush King Wave Brush #904
You want to maintain proper hygiene while maintaining your awe-inspiring 360 waves. Follow the simple steps above and keep your waves sharp and your brush looking and smelling brand new.
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